Can You Re-use Disposable Eye Protection?

 IST 2010 January cover

January 2010

(From Brenda: This is an often-asked question that I thought I’d share with you.)

Dear Brenda,

With the tough economy, we have customers who buy a single pair of disposables and show them to our staff each time they come in, to save on buying a new pair of disposables on each visit. How can we stop this practice? Another problem is that some customers wear their disposables over and over. Won’t bacteria grow from re-using disposables? Thanks!

Margaret Green, Manager
Ultimate Exposure – Gold Coast Location
Chicago, IL

Dear Margaret,
Thanks for writing! I appreciate your interest in ensuring your customers are properly protecting their eyes. Yes, some tanners will show salon staff the same pair of disposable eye protection over and over to avoid having to buy a pair of goggles, and they aren’t actually wearing anything on their eyes when they tan! There are a number of ways to prevent this. Read more…..

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