EYE PRO Announces March “Clean Tan Promotion” Winners

Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leaders in disposable eyewear, and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for After Tanning, offered salons a chance to win a box of WINK-EASE and FRESH-EASE for FREE during the month of March!

Six salon names were randomly drawn for EYE PRO’s “Clean Tan” promotion on March 30 and immediately notified of their win. The free products will be credited by their favorite distributor.

EYE PRO would like to congratulate the salons that won free product: Body Glow in Rochester, MI; Tan-U Tanning in Knightdale, NC; Sole’ Tanning in Yorktown Heights, NY; Exotic Tan in Novato, CA; Tan Cabana in Chesapeake, PA; and Rainy’s in Ottumwa, IL.

“We were so excited to win Wink-Ease and Fresh-Ease!” commented Tracy Kramer, owner of Body Glow. “Eye Pro offers such great training and information on their website, which we use to educate our tanners on the importance of protecting their eyes!”

“Thank You Eye Pro!” exclaimed Michelle Teachman, owner of Tan Cabana, who was equally excited about winning the free product for her salon.  “Thank you so much for this opportunity!  I will put the product to good use.” said Teachman.

“Wow, A Fabulous Product to Win!” said Tina Todd from Tan-U Tanning. “Eye care is so important in our industry; we’re glad to carry Wink-Ease at Tan U!”

Brenda Fishbaugh, president of EYE PRO, said “Thank you to all the salons for participating in the “Clean Tan” promotion.  Salon owners simply went to EYE PRO’s website (www.EyePro.net/Promos), to complete the promo form, and then were entered for the chance to win.  Keep your eyes open for more promotions offered through our website!”

For more information on WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear or Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths, visit EyePro.net or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

Body Glow Tanning Rochester Michigan Eye Pro promotion winner Tan-U Tanning Knightdale North Carolina Eye Pro Promotion winner

Pictured is Tracy and Marilyn Kramer, Body Glow Tanning Salon and the Tan-U Tanning team — from left to right: Tina Todd, Lynn Coley, Ashley Hood, Anita Geib, and Heather Pixley

Working Like Dogs!

Thursday, April 15th, 2010

IST 2010 April cover

April 2010

I find folks in the tanning biz to have super big hearts! Chatting with a few pals in the industry, I was thrilled to realize many had rescued dogs from horrible situations. Here’s a heartwarming story from industry veteran, Joe Schuster, of 1st Resource:

“Petey (a mix of Pit Bull, German Shorthair and others) was born in the mountains of North Carolina and lived near my in-laws, chained to a tree outside of a house trailer. It was a brutal life for him with abusive owners. One summer, my father-in-law found him roadside after a vehicle had hit him, and took him to the local vet. After weeks of recovery, Petey was returned to his owners. The next summer, my father-in-law again found him after he had been shot. The vet removed a 9mm pistol slug from his shoulder and he spent many weeks recuperating with his new family – as he would not be returned to his ‘former owners’. Petey now lives with my family and our four other dogs, loves to be petted and scratched, and spends most of his time warming his body in the sun. He can do that with us for as long as he wants!” Read on….


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Heroes Among Us

Sunday, March 14th, 2010

IST 2010 March cover

March 2010

As you know, I just love tanning folks who go above and beyond – who really hear the call of someone or something in need, and just get it done. I’ve talked about Heavenly Hair of Whitinsville, MA in a previous column, but there is more to their story and I was so uplifted by their good works, I wanted to share it with all of you.

While preparing a care package to send to their local unit in Iraq in April 2009, Brenda and Steve Couture contacted some of their tanning product suppliers for donations. They wanted to send Eye Pro’s Fresh-Ease wipes, since the soldiers were out on recon missions for days at a time with no way to shower or bathe. Distributor Four Seasons, as well as lotion makers Supre Tan, Devoted Creations, Pro-Tan, Tan Inc. and Designer Skin, also donated products. Brenda wrote this in her Christmas letter to customers….Read on….

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Salons Disagree: Bye, Bye Goggles?

Saturday, February 27th, 2010

IST 2010 February cover

February 2010

A number of salon owners participated in a heated battle on the “Tan Talk” Message Board (tantalk.com) about whether it’s better to provide tanning customers with eyewear for free, or sell it to them. The thread included a lot of name-calling and repetition, so I have edited and changed some online names. Read on….

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

Win FREE Wink-Ease and Fresh-Ease from EYE PRO!

Tuesday, February 16th, 2010

Wink-Ease and Fresh-Ease

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear, and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for After Tanning, is offering salons a chance to win both for FREE!

Simply go to the promotion page on EYE PRO’s website (www.eyepro.net/promos), complete the form, including the special promo code “Clean Tan”, and you’ll be entered to win today!

Six winners will be drawn on March 30 and notified immediately! (EYE PRO will credit your distributor for WINK-EASE and Fresh-Ease at no cost.) You must be a salon owner or manager to enter.

ENTER TODAY and use Wink-Ease and Fresh-Ease to help provide your customers with a CLEAN TAN!

For more information on Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths and WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear, visit EyePro.net or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

Can You Re-use Disposable Eye Protection?

Friday, January 29th, 2010

 IST 2010 January cover

January 2010

(From Brenda: This is an often-asked question that I thought I’d share with you.)

Dear Brenda,

With the tough economy, we have customers who buy a single pair of disposables and show them to our staff each time they come in, to save on buying a new pair of disposables on each visit. How can we stop this practice? Another problem is that some customers wear their disposables over and over. Won’t bacteria grow from re-using disposables? Thanks!

Margaret Green, Manager
Ultimate Exposure – Gold Coast Location
Chicago, IL

Dear Margaret,
Thanks for writing! I appreciate your interest in ensuring your customers are properly protecting their eyes. Yes, some tanners will show salon staff the same pair of disposable eye protection over and over to avoid having to buy a pair of goggles, and they aren’t actually wearing anything on their eyes when they tan! There are a number of ways to prevent this. Read more…..

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Fight the Tax on Tanning!

Monday, January 4th, 2010

January 4, 2010 – EYE PRO, Inc. , makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear, wants to help fight the tax on tanning!

Please take the time to use the link on the ITA (Indoor Tanning Association) website to send a letter to Congress opposing the proposed 10% tax on tanning. To date 5,000 industry professionals have participated, which has generated 15,000 emails to Congress. In addition, 15,700 customers have joined the fight, which has generated 47,100 more emails to Congress. This means that 62,100 total emails have been sent to Congress.  It only takes a minute!

Click on this link to go to the ITA web page and Tell Congress to say NO to the Tan Tax!  The ITA will keep you updated as this fight progresses!

For more information on WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and FRESH-EASE Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, plus other great educational information regarding eye protection, visit www.EyePro.net or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

How to Keep H1N1 Out of Your Salon!

Monday, December 28th, 2009

IST December 2009 cover

December 2009

Since about half of the tanning salons in the U.S. provide shared (“community”) goggles, I thought this was a great time to review your goggle cleaning procedure and ensure you’re not skipping any steps. After all, it’s cold and flu season, and you don’t want to be part of the problem by spreading the flu among your clients. Read more…

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

New Training and New Gift from EYE PRO!

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

EyeSwirls FREE gift for training

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear — are pleased to offer a NEW gift and FREE goodies to any salon that takes their NEW 2010 pre-recorded web training.

In just 30 minutes, salons can learn all about eye protection and be able to receive FREE goodies too. Right now, EYE PRO is offering FREE EyeSwirls, a hydrating eye treatment by Sunhoney, which reduces wrinkles and puffiness, plus you can wear when tanning with no tan lines (a $9.99 value!).

All participants also receive is EYE PRO’s fresh, new educational counter mat and Zippie with product samples.

To view the pre-recorded training, all you need is a computer with high speed internet access. Since it’s a pre-recorded version, salons pick the day and time to view — anytime, anywhere — 24/7 (click here to go there now).

“It’s a new year and this is a great way to get new and current staff ready for the upcoming 2010 season,” said EYE PRO president Brenda Fishbaugh.

For information on WINKEASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease™ Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit www.EyePro.net or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

More “Pats on the Back”

Wednesday, November 11th, 2009

IST November 2009 cover

November 2009

I’m always thrilled to hear of folks in our industry who are giving back. Like Jenny Bortman of Universal Insurance in Phoenix, AZ. Jenny Bortman loves her little pet pug, Ginger – no different from the rest of the pet owner population, right? Wrong! Jenny had all her friends vote her pug the cutest pug in the Arizona Pug Contest. In doing so, she raised $2,000 to help a no-kill animal shelter!

But Jenny doesn’t stop there – she is also running her first half-marathon to raise funds for the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America, and has already raised over $3,000 in donations! Read more…

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