Save the Earth…Save Your Eyes!

Saturday, May 2nd, 2009

May 2009 IST cover

May 2009

Did you know that the earth’s ozone layer is what keeps us from burning up? There’s a hole in the ozone layer, and if it continues to grow, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation (UVR) that reaches Earth will become less and less filtered. If that happens, it will change the way plants function and reproduce. Plant-eating animals will run out of things to eat. And if plant-eating animals can’t find food, they’ll die –leaving us with less and less to eat.

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

EYE PRO Moves to a NEW Location!

Friday, May 1st, 2009

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear, recently moved on May 1st to a new sales office location in Fort Wayne, IN and have a new manufacturing facility in Michigan.

“We are all every excited about the new office location! It offers better amenities for our office needs.  We were expanding our warehouse in Fort Wayne to store more promotional materials for our US and international markets.” says Brenda Fishbaugh.  “The office is located on New Vision Drive, sounds like a perfect fit for Eye Pro!”

Eye Pro also built a larger manufacturing facility in Michigan.  “We had just outgrown our former manufacturing plant, “says Brenda Fishbaugh, president.  Our sister company, Labeltape, who manufactures and ships Wink-Ease disposable eye protection, is now in a custom-made facility allows us to meet our worldwide expansion plans.  We are very proud that all of our products are made in the United States, when so many other companies are now manufacturing overseas”.

EYE PRO’S new address is 3930 New Vision Dr, Fort Wayne, IN 46845. Our phone numbers will be changed to 260.483.7620 and our fax number is 260.484.0360.  Our toll free number 800.726.8322 and website will remain the same.

For information on EYE PRO’S WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

EYE PRO new location

EYE new location LabelTape

EYE PRO Helps Captain Video & Tanning Raise Awareness for the Humane Society

Friday, April 17th, 2009

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear — were pleased to help Captain Video & Tanning with their annual SPRING FLING fundraiser for the local Humane Society of North Wilkesboro, NC.

“We offered $1.00 tans ALL DAY on March 21st, cooked a pig Hawaiian-style, and listened to Jimmy Buffet while drinking margaritas in the parking lot,”  said Captain Video & Tanning owner, Tim Bennett. “We provided the Humane Society with a tent to show animals that needed a good home all day, with all proceeds donated to the local humane society.”

“EYE PRO was thrilled to support a salon that planned out such an extravagant event — all in the name of helping animals,”  said Director of Customer Support & Education, Renee Lofland.   “EYE PRO sent 200 zippies pouches loaded with free samples of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear, as well as FRESH EASE Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning for Captain Video & Tanning to hand out to every tanner attending the event.”

Said Bennett, “The day was a huge hit!  Most importantly, we raised $800 and the Shelter was able to find nine animals a home — we set a record!”

EYE PRO, Inc. is a long time animal advocate, supporting five animal rescue organizations worldwide. For information on EYE PRO’S endangered animal rescues or WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

Captain Video & Tanning adopt a dog

Captain Video & Tanning food tent at Humane Society event

Captain Video & Tanning chefs at Humane Society event

How to Get The “Cadillac of CATARACTS!”

Monday, April 6th, 2009

April 2009 IST cover

April 2009

“I was standing in the lobby of a tanning salon recently, when the salon professional asked to see a tanner’s eyewear. The tanner said she didn’t wear goggles. The salon pro replied, “You can get cataracts from tanning without eye protection.” The tanner kind of shrugged and headed back to her tanning room – with no eyewear – clearly believing that cataracts are what happen to her grandma, not to her.”

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

EYE PRO Helps Raise Awareness of World Glaucoma Day

Friday, March 20th, 2009

EYE PRO, Inc. — makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear — were pleased to help raise awareness of the second World Glaucoma Day, a joint worldwide initiative held on March 12, 2009 (

“World Glaucoma Day started in the United Kingdom as a way to raise awareness of a disease that destroys vision,” says EYE PRO president, Brenda Fishbaugh.

EYE PRO notified their “V-EYE-P” salon members by email.  Any salon member that responded received free samples of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear, as well as EYE PRO’s counter mat to help educate tanners about the importance of wearing eye protection when tanning.

“Our version of World Glaucoma Day was so successful, we would like to extend our offer to non-members.  If a salon emails us at, they will receive free samples and free educational materials.”

For information on WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

World Glaucoma Day logo


Thursday, March 5th, 2009

March 2009 IST cover

March 2009

If you’ve been reading this column regularly, you know that I am a “clean freak.” I’m the person who travels with disinfectant wipes, wiping down my plane seat and hotel room (the TV remote and phones get the fi rst swipe). So, when salon owners tell me that they have a CLEAN salon, I am skeptical. What does “clean” mean? Your version may not match mine… How clean is clean?

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

Tanning in a Coffin

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

February 2009 IST cover

February 2009

Shelly Davis of Dakota’s Fitness & Tanning in Gillespie, IL may have a second career as a stand-up comic! I think you’ll enjoy reading her entry in the contest we ran in a recent issue of Island Sun Times. In Shelly’s own, winning words…

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

Salons Describe Tanning “Accidents!”

Saturday, January 3rd, 2009

January 2009 IST cover

January 2009

We recently asked salon operators to share their stories of “tanning accidents” so that others could learn from experience. The best entry won a Solarmeter light meter from Solarmeter, Inc., and the 2nd-10th place entries each received disposable eye protection from EYE PRO, Inc. ($50 salon cost). Could these accidents happen in YOUR salon?

Click here to view or download PDF of entire article…

Heartland staff and EYE PRO help local animal sanctuary

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

A Christmas gift came early this year to EYE PRO and Black Pine Animal Park when EYE PRO President Brenda Fishbaugh was visiting Heartland Distributors’ Georgia location.

During Brenda’s eye education training, she had shared dozens of photos of rescued endangered animals, all of which were rescued with the tanning industry’s help.  Afterwards, the staff presented Brenda with a Christmas card.  “When I opened the card, dollar bills fell out onto the floor!” exclaimed Fishbaugh.  “The Georgia Heartland staff had donated $140 of their own money towards our endangered animal rescues!  I was absolutely stunned!”

The Georgia Heartland team, led by John Fromme, asked Brenda to donate the funds to her favorite animal charity.  Brenda chose Black Pine Animal Park in Albion, Indiana.  “Heartland’s donation is very helpful for Black Pine, who relies on donations to feed dozens of tigers, bears, lions and other rescued or retired circus performers.  Winter is always a challenging time financially,” explained Fishbaugh.  “Although we personally work with a half dozen organizations around the world, we have worked closely with this exotic animal sanctuary for over a decade and I used to be a tour guide there. What an incredible gift!”

For more information on Black Pine Animal Park, go to   For more information on EYE PRO’s decade of animal rescues around the globe, click here to visit our photo gallery.  For information on EYE PRO and WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, plus other great educational information regarding eye protection, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

Heartland staff and EYE PRO help local animal sanctuary

Mo-vember donation from EYE PRO helps cancer research

Monday, December 15th, 2008

No, it’s not a typo.  EYE PRO, Inc. , makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear, helped to support a fundraiser that started in Australia called “Movember.”  Movember is held in the month of November, and men start out clean-shaven.  “Mo Bros” grow a moustache all month, collecting donations for their efforts, which goes to support prostate cancer research.

EYE PRO was contacted by famous tiger handler, Patrick Martin-Vegue, who manages Tiger Island in Australia. All the tiger handlers formed a team to raise funds.  EYE PRO President Brenda Fishbaugh said, “The EYE PRO girls were happy to contribute to such a fun event on the other side of the world, while helping to support cancer research.”

Martin-Vegue rewarded the Wink-Ease women (called “Mo Sistas”) with a photo of him and his moustache.  His note said, “Here is a photo of me with my pathetic moustache.  I hope it can raise a bit of money and raise awareness for a very worthy cause.”

For more information about Movember or to donate, go to and type in Patrick’s name.  For more information on Tiger Island, go to   For more information on EYE PRO’s decade of animal rescues, go to and click on the photo gallery.  For information on EYE PRO and WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, plus other great educational information regarding eye protection, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

Patrick with moustache Patrick without moustache