Eye Damage—Could This Be You?

Monday, December 1st, 2008

December 2008 IST

December 2008

In the October issue of Island Sun Times, we asked salons to share any incidences of eye damage caused by indoor tanning, so that other salons could learn from their experiences.

Of 59 entries received, we chose 10 winners. The First Place winner is Diana McEnroe, of Finishing Touch Day Spa in Waterloo, IA. Compliments of Solarmeter, Diana will enjoy a UV meter ($159 value) to measure the UV output of the nine tanning systems in her salon. Regular metering of sunlamps is a great way to save on lamp replacement costs, as well as ensure that you always offer your customers high-functioning lamps. Our 2nd-10th Place winners will each receive a box of WINK-EASE disposable eye protection, and FRESH-EASE after-tan body cloths (a $50 salon value, each.) Their entries, as well as other salon operator experiences with eye damage, will appear in future columns. Here is Diana McEnroe’s experience with improper eye protection while tanning indoors…

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Eye Pro Arranges Behind-The-Scenes Zoo Tour

Saturday, January 5th, 2008

Indoor tanning professionals enjoyed a rare glimpse of Tacoma, Wash.-based Point Defiance Zoo’s endangered clouded leopards during a behind-the-scenes tour arranged by Brenda Fishbaugh, president of Eye Pro, Inc. The company sponsors Point Defiance Zoo and the clouded leopard project.

Mark Monopoli, Joyce Monopoli and Liz Perkins of Tan West International, Denaye Narte of Fiji Blend, Scott Eggers of Australian Gold and Danielle Ardito of Performance Brands, Inc. joined Fishbaugh and Point Defiance tiger handler Andy Goldfarb for the tour.

“We were all able to pet Yukon, a Canadian lynx that Eye Pro purchased for the zoo four years ago,” Fishbaugh says. “Yukon is part of the education program at the zoo and visits local schools in the area, and also performs in the award-winning Wild Wonders program.”

Eye Pro is a regular contributor to zoos and animal sanctuaries around the world, and a portion of every sale at the company goes to help exotic and endangered animals.

Point Defiance Zoo tour group