Let’s Talk About Cleaning Sunbeds

Wednesday, June 1st, 2016

6.16 IST CoverIn the April issue of IST Magazine, I wrote about using proper tanning bed disinfectants and not substituting solutions that leave residues that are potentially damaging to acrylic surfaces or a tanner’s skin, and that simply don’t meet disinfection standards. I hope you also remember that the product required to be used after every tanner is properly called a “disinfectant.” A bed “cleaner” is actually more of a polish, meant to buff out scratches on acrylics, shine handles and get into the tiny corners – best used for weekly equipment detailing.

For many salons, this is a typically slower time of year – a good time to do some deep cleaning. So, now that I’ve convinced you to use proper hospital-grade disinfectants made specifically for cleaning sunbeds, I’d like to cover how to do it properly.

May is UV Awareness Month!

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

4.2016 May UV Aware insta BF fin EPCMat 2014 FIN.indd

May 2016 – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in eyewear and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE,  and WINK-EASE Dark, is always working hard to keep salon owners/staff and clients educated and informed about the importance of eye health, preventing eye disease and reducing vision loss.

“We love helping salon owners educate their tanners through our educational counter mat, ” said Jackie DeWald, EYE PRO office manager.  “With the month of May being UV Awareness Month, it’s a perfect time to remind everyone about the importance of using the proper UV blocking eyewear to protect eyes — whether tanning indoors or out.” (To get a FREE Counter Mat for your salon, go to WinkEase.com/promos and use the code word: IST Counter Mat)

FDA Proposes Changes To Eyewear Regs

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

5.16 IST CoverIn all the hubbub about the FDA’s Proposed Rule concerning UV exposure times and the under-18 ban, you may have missed their suggestion that current eye protection regulations be dramatically changed. In fact, 25% of the proposed changes involve adjusting current eye protection regs in an effort to “harmonize” with a European standard.

So, why would the FDA attempt to change a rule that has been in place since 1979?

Click here to read more or download PDF of entire article.

WINK-EASE Dark is the perfect eye protection for Lunchtime Tanners!

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

WEDarkPouchApril 2016 – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in disposable eye protection for indoor tanning and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, wants lunchtime tanners to try WINK-EASE Dark for a relaxing tan during the day.

“Tanners love our traditional 250-pair box Ultra Gold WINK-EASE disposable eye protection, however, when a tanner is hoping to catch a quick power nap, the eye protection of choice is WINK-EASE Dark,” says Brenda Fishbaugh, president. “WINK-EASE Dark disposable eye protection provides FDA compliant eye protection, but is considerably darker than our Ultra Gold WINK-EASE. Tanners can nap easily after a too-much-fun weekend, a tough work day or if they just prefer a darker tanning environment to avoid light-sensitive headaches,” Fishbaugh continued.

Eye Opener: Salon Operators Substituting Disinfectant?

Friday, April 1st, 2016

4.2016 IST coverI recently asked salon operators if they have a substitute product they use for cleaning sun beds and goggles if they run out of their everyday cleaning solution (a misnomer; you really need to call it bed disinfectant, since it kills pathogens).

Robert Ashe, owner of Sun Seekers in Stratham, NH, says that he always re-orders bed disinfectant when his is about halfway gone. “I would not consider being out of tanning bed disinfectant!” he exclaims, citing three main reasons:

Click here to read more or download PDF of entire article.

Ultra Gold WINK-EASE Now Available in 30-pair packs!

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

UGWinkEase30pk_346March, 2016 – Eye Pro, Inc., world leader in disposable eye protection for indoor tanning and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, wants it to be known that Ultra Gold WINK-EASE are available in 30-pair packs in addition to their best-selling 250- pair rolls.

“Salon owners love our traditional 250-pair box of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE disposable eye protection,” says Brenda Fishbaugh, President. “This has been the No. 1 choice of salons all over the world and with the smaller, 30-pair packs, salons that have never offered disposable eye protection may now give it a try!” Fishbaugh adds that this is also a perfect size for salons that offer split services such as hair/nails/tanning. (more…)

Save Your Eyes!

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

IST 3.2016 coverDid you know that the earth’s ozone layer is what keeps us from burning up? There’s a hole in the ozone layer, and as it con- tinues to grow, the sun’s ultraviolet radiation that reaches the earth will be less and less filtered. This is just one of the many ways your eyes can be overexposed to ultraviolet light.

When your eyes are sunburned it is called Photokeratitis. Yes, you can actually sunburn your eyeballs!

Click here to read more or download PDF of entire article.

FREE Lash Room WINK-EASE Samples Now Available!

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

LRWEboxconeFebruary, 2016 – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in eyewear and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, is offering FREE samples of Lash Room WINK-EASE to salons.

“We have been in the eye protection business since 1985 with our ‘original’ WINK-EASE product,” said EYE PRO President Brenda Fishbaugh.  “Salons and tanners just love our Lash Room WINK-EASE we introduced last season because the taller cone makes for more lash room. It has all the improvements we made to our original WINK-EASE last year – better adhesive, visibility and ease of assembly – but what we hear the most about is the fantastic visibility,” explained Fishbaugh. “Lash Room WINK-EASE are silver in color, and when folded into a cone, are much more of a comfort, custom fit for long eye lashes, eye lash extensions or clients wearing mascara,” Fishbaugh continued. (more…)

TEXTING WHILE TANNING … Isn’t it dangerous?

Monday, February 1st, 2016

Feb 2016 IST coverA frightening new trend has hit your tanning rooms. Your tanners are taking off the eye protection they used to wear, because now they are using their phones during their sessions! And of course, with goggles on, they can’t see well enough to send text messages, so they now have their eyes open while the sunbed is on!

A lot of salon operators tell me they lecture tanners about not using their phones while tanning, but I would like to make another suggestion. Suggest that they wear eye protection that gives them a full UV block as well as the visibility needed to text and play games while getting their golden glow in your salon.

Click here to read more or download PDF of entire article.

SunlessSPECS available for Spray Tan Techs!

Saturday, January 2nd, 2016

EPsunlessSPECS wlabelJanuary 2016 – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in disposable eye protection for indoor tanning and makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, is offering a new eye protection product — SunlessSPECS protective eyewear for sunless spray techs.

“We were contacted by a sunless spray tan salon owner, and she wanted to know what she could wear to protect her eyes while spraying customers off-site where typically there isn’t great ventilation. So we have introduced SunlessSPECS for hand spray techs to protect their eyes when they are spraying a wedding party or group of cheerleaders off-site”, says Brenda Fishbaugh, president.
