Let’s Talk About Cleaning Sunbeds

6.16 IST CoverIn the April issue of IST Magazine, I wrote about using proper tanning bed disinfectants and not substituting solutions that leave residues that are potentially damaging to acrylic surfaces or a tanner’s skin, and that simply don’t meet disinfection standards. I hope you also remember that the product required to be used after every tanner is properly called a “disinfectant.” A bed “cleaner” is actually more of a polish, meant to buff out scratches on acrylics, shine handles and get into the tiny corners – best used for weekly equipment detailing.

For many salons, this is a typically slower time of year – a good time to do some deep cleaning. So, now that I’ve convinced you to use proper hospital-grade disinfectants made specifically for cleaning sunbeds, I’d like to cover how to do it properly.