EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in eyewear and makers of WINK-EASE, VIEWkeepers, Fresh-Ease, and Wink-Ease Dark is once again committing to the endangered animal world.
“For the past two decades, EYE PRO has been involved with helping endangered animals,” said Brenda Fishbaugh, EYE PRO President. “After our visit to Kenya in 2010 where we learned more about how rhinos were being killed for the medicinal value of their horns, my husband, Steve, and I, became very concerned with protecting the rapidly dwindling rhino populations.”
EYE PRO has teamed up with Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, a renowned rhino sanctuary since 1995, dedicated and involved in helping the rhino in several ways. Lewa has guards and bloodhounds walking the grounds with guns to stop poachers. Lewa has also built schools and medical facilities to help the Kenyan Masaii warriors, so they don’t feel they have to kill a rhino to feed their children. The native Africans have suffered greatly in recent years due to drought killing all the grass for their cattle and goats to graze.
“Steve and I are heading back to Kenya for three weeks on safari,” continued Fishbaugh. “We will visit the school kids, bringing school and medical supplies, and assist in several rhino tracking projects,” she concluded. You can learn more about the animal rescue efforts at EyePro.net and at Wink-Ease/EyePro on Facebook. You can also learn more about Lewa at www.lewa.org.
For more information on new Wink-Ease Dark disposable eye protection for red light therapy, WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, visit EyePro.net or contact EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322. You can also follow and “like” us on Facebook (Wink-Ease/Eye Pro) for special salon offers and promotions.