No, it’s not a typo. EYE PRO, Inc. , makers of WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers and world leader in disposable eyewear, helped to support a fundraiser that started in Australia called “Movember.” Movember is held in the month of November, and men start out clean-shaven. “Mo Bros” grow a moustache all month, collecting donations for their efforts, which goes to support prostate cancer research.
EYE PRO was contacted by famous tiger handler, Patrick Martin-Vegue, who manages Tiger Island in Australia. All the tiger handlers formed a team to raise funds. EYE PRO President Brenda Fishbaugh said, “The EYE PRO girls were happy to contribute to such a fun event on the other side of the world, while helping to support cancer research.”
Martin-Vegue rewarded the Wink-Ease women (called “Mo Sistas”) with a photo of him and his moustache. His note said, “Here is a photo of me with my pathetic moustache. I hope it can raise a bit of money and raise awareness for a very worthy cause.”
For more information about Movember or to donate, go to and type in Patrick’s name. For more information on Tiger Island, go to For more information on EYE PRO’s decade of animal rescues, go to and click on the photo gallery. For information on EYE PRO and WINK-EASE and VIEWkeepers disposable eyewear and Fresh-Ease Refreshing Body Cloths for after tanning, plus other great educational information regarding eye protection, visit or call EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.