Take 2015 “Become an Eye Protection Expert” FREE online training

Eye Protect PPT openNovember 2015 – EYE PRO, Inc., world leader in disposable eye protection for indoor tanning and   makers of Ultra Gold WINK-EASE, Lash Room WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark, has updated its award-winning salon staff training. This dynamic, informational  25-minute training offers an extensive amount of educational information to get your clients and staff members to wear eye protection!

“Our new training educates the salon staff on the dangers of not wearing eye protection” said Jackie DeWald, EYE PRO office manager.  “We are always amazed to learn how many salon staff members don’t use eye protection. It can be a difficult item to sell if your staff doesn’t understand how unprotected eyes can be damaged from UV exposure.”

“Eye burns are the number one reason tanners seek medical attention after tanning,” said Brenda Fishbaugh, EYE PRO president. “And salon staff often tell me they have lost their night vision and color vision because they didn’t realize they needed to wear eye protection.”  “An educated staff will help educate your tanners, Fishbaugh explained. “ That is why it is so important to have your staff take our FREE online training.”

“We built a new training from the ground up,” Fishbaugh continued.  “We are so excited to include the work of Israeli makeup artist, Tal Peleg.  We use her extraordinary use of makeup to tell the story of eye damage.  It makes an incredibly interesting and compelling training!”, Fishbaugh concluded.

To take EYE PRO’s training, just go to WinkEase.com, hover over the ‘Support’ navigation button and then select ‘Salon Training’ from the drop-down menu. The training is available 24/7 and takes approximately 25 minutes.

For more information on Lash Room WINK-EASE, Ultra Gold WINK-EASE and WINK-EASE Dark visit WinkEase.com or contact EYE PRO at 1-800-726-8322.

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