The “New Normal” for Eyewear in Canada, Ireland and the UK
In the last few months, my columns have highlighted the ways that several leading U.S. tanning centers have created a post-COVID “new normal,” focusing particularly on eye protection policies. This month, I’m checking in with the tanning salon world in Ireland and the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). The UK (partially opened salons on July 14) and Canada both reopened considerably later than the U.S., so they had some time to look at what was working and what wasn’t for salons in the States.
Before the COVID crisis, Jayne Contois, Owner of Cabana Tan in Bradford, Ontario, Canada (near hard-hit Toronto) provided sanitized goggles for tanners. “When we finally reopened, we decided to stop providing free eye protection,” she explains. “Some guests reacted when we told them we no longer offered ‘community goggles’. When we explained that individual eye protection is part of the COVID-19 rules, they all said, ‘Oh. That makes sense.’” Now, Cabana Tan tanners are purchasing their own goggles. “I’ll provide a pair of free disposables if they forget, or they can buy a pair of disposables each time,” Contois continues.